Reading is fun EVERYWHERE!

Monday, December 6, 2010

What smells so YUMMY? Pumpkin Pie Playdough!

Are you looking for something FUN and Educational to do with your children?

Something easy that will keep them busy for hours?

Something you make together from things already in your kitchen cabinets?

Well, here's your wish come true!

Pumpkin Pie Playdough!

Can't you smell it?
It smells just like Grandma's pumpkin pie!

Here's the recipe:

Prep Time: 10 minutes

(Start with these amounts but you might need to add more flour or water because humity can play with the flour to water ratio.)


Mix flour, salt, and pumpkin pie spice in large bowl with spoon - until blended.

Measure out boiling water.

Add oil to water.

Pour water and oil into flour mixture and mix with spoon until cool enough to knead. (Parents please use your own discretion on how much you allow your child to do during this step.)

Continue kneading until well mixed. You may need to add more flour or more water until you get the right consistency. (This step is the most FUN and can be done by your child as soon as the mixture is cool to the touch.)

Roll and shape playdough into all kinds of shapes and designs.

Add cookie cutters, plastic knives, scissors, dinosaurs, play dishes, dolls, action figures, and anything else that will add to the FUN.

Follow your child's lead because they will be very creative if you let them!

Store in air tight bag or container in the refrigerator.

Is it edible?

Of course it is!

But it doesn't taste good
- too salty! -
your child will probably only taste it once. :-)

Enjoy your playdough together!

I'll be back later to add some more ideas on making playdough play more beneficial for your child's development.

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